Telling All Your Dirty (Financial) Secrets To Motivate Your Team (Well, Most Of Your Secrets).

In this episode, our hosts, Lonnie Sciambi and Stan Simkins, also known, respectively, as “The Entrepreneur’s Yoda” and “The Family Biz Doc” will talk about using a unique form of communication to motivate your team. It’s called “financial data” that both of them have used to help guide the clients they’ve had and companies they’ve owned and managed. And like all previous episodes they’ll use war stories, situations they’ve faced, that will bring their points to life.  

They’ll talk about how not having the right data in the hands of the right people, at the right time, within a business, can really be detrimental to the success of that business. They’ll introduce the concept of KPIs and what they mean to how the business is managed, and how compensation could and should be tied to productivity and productivity to profitability. And, they will show, by example, and with the aforementioned war stories, that sharing financial data with employees can really be the key to employees better understanding of how the business really operates.

They’ll show you how functions like purchasing can, sometimes, be the driver for short-term profitability…or long-term losses, if not managed correctly.  And how a department like customer service can, actually, be a function that protects and grows the business, as opposed to just a place for complaints.

And, as always, they’ll regale you with war stories, that both carry a solid message, lesson or may bring a chuckle or two.

Please enjoy this session with your personal tour guides to business freedom, the dynamic duo of Stan Simkins and Lonnie Sciambi.

Find more resources and learn more about their monthly, 90-minute VIRTUAL roundtables at

And feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] with any feedback, questions, recommendations, or ideas for future topics of conversation.

Connect With Lonnie Sciambi




Connect with Stan Simkins

