In this episode, our hosts, Lonnie Sciambi and Stan Simkins, also known, respectively, as “The Entrepreneur’s Yoda” and “The Family Biz Doc” will talk about the various challenges you face in your family business, dealing with family members, on an entirely different level. And like all previous episodes they’ll use war stories, situations they’ve faced that will bring their points to life.
They’ll talk about conflicts that can so easily spill over from personal ones to business ones or vice versa. And, they will show by example and their war stories, that successful family businesses have to navigate three dimensions – ownership, management and the family itself.
They’ll give you some guidance around the very incendiary topics of compensation and performance measurement for family members, and who can and should work in the business, including in-laws.
And then they’ll talk about valuation and exit, probably as volatile, if not more so, as the situations noted they previously highlighted. Hopefully, they will provide guidance and ideas you can bring back to the family business.
Please enjoy this session with your personal tour guides to business freedom, the dynamic duo of Stan Simkins and Lonnie Sciambi.
Find more resources and learn more about their monthly, 90-minute VIRTUAL roundtables at
And feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] with any feedback, questions, recommendations, or ideas for future topics of conversation.
Connect With Lonnie Sciambi
Connect with Stan Simkins