Solving The ‘Slipping-Through The Cracks’ Syndrome

In this episode, our hosts, Lonnie Sciambi and Stan Simkins, also known, respectively, as “The Entrepreneur’s Yoda” and “The Family Biz Doc” will talk about “things slipping through the cracks,” which is a symptom… not a root cause.

They’ll talk about how systems and procedures need as much review, periodically, as any focus on the workforce team members. They’ll show you how communication is often the issue, and why it has to start from the top and you need to drill down deeper and define it in more detail.

They’ll explain the importance of good controls and for ensuring follow through on a consistent, timely basis to be effective. They’ll provide examples of 

“confirmation” questions to ensure clarity of understanding of “goal posts,” check-in’s, and responsibilities/accountability. How you might assign tasks, and defining what measures are in place to ensure compliance should all be integral parts of your work procedure process along with effective and consistently applied systems for that.

Please enjoy this session with your personal tour guides to business freedom, the dynamic duo of Stan Simkins and Lonnie Sciambi. And, as always, they’ll regale you with war stories, that both carry a solid message, lesson or may bring a chuckle or two.

Find more resources and learn more about their monthly, 90-minute VIRTUAL roundtables at

And feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] with any feedback, questions, recommendations, or ideas for future topics of conversation.

Connect With Lonnie Sciambi




Connect with Stan Simkins

