Getting the Walking Dead Among Your Staff Reignited… or Into Another “Burial Plot.”

In this episode, our hosts, Lonnie Sciambi and Stan Simkins, also known, respectively, as “The Entrepreneur’s Yoda” and “The Family Biz Doc” will talk about reigniting your team…or at least part of it.  Every business has them. People on your team that are “just there.” Do you have people and processes that have passed their expiration date?  But you know, it’s a two-way street.  You reap what you sow.  You might very well be the cause of what you have with some of your team.

Like, not understanding that except for wet babies, few people like change. Or paying submarket wages and paying for that twice over with high turnover and re-hiring and re-training costs. Or being the major bottleneck in your own operation.  

Employees need to feel valued and they need to grow…if you want to keep them. When they feel that their talents are being well utilized and challenged, they are being trained or cross-trained to do additional functions, they are growing, professionally, and often, personally.And this helps the company as well, making employees more versatile. 

When employees feel stuck in “a “dead-end” position or in “a sweat shop” environment,  it ends up costing the small business way more in the long run, with disenchanted employees becoming less productive (our “walking dead”) and, ultimately leaving, requiring the company to have to go out and hire and re-train new staff, often at added cost. 

Please enjoy this session with your personal tour guides to business freedom, the dynamic duo of Stan Simkins and Lonnie Sciambi. And, as always, they’ll regale you with war stories, that both carry a solid message, lesson or may bring a chuckle or two.

Find more resources and learn more about their monthly, 90-minute VIRTUAL roundtables at

And feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] with any feedback, questions, recommendations, or ideas for future topics of conversation.

Connect With Lonnie Sciambi




Connect with Stan Simkins

