In this episode, our hosts, Lonnie Sciambi and Stan Simkins, also known, respectively, as “The Entrepreneur’s Yoda” and “The Family Biz Doc” review an ailment that affects many small businesses – “the running in place syndrome!” And like all previous episodes they’ll use war stories, situations they’ve faced that will bring their points to life.
All small businesses experience periods where they just seem to put things on “automatic pilot.” Essentially, doing the same thing this week they did last week, last month, even last year. Worse, they may not even realize it. until one day the owner takes a look around and realizes that the business is simply repeating history again and again. And that means the owner and his/her small business have stopped learning and, invariably, stopped growing.
They’ll give some tell-tale signs that this could be your business and show you through their guidance and never-ending string of war stories, how you might effect change and get your business back on a growth track.
And they’ll show you the value of asking hard questions of yourself and your team and learn how to embrace new people and new ideas, right down to maybe you need to “re-invent” the basic premise of your business.
Please enjoy this session with your personal tour guides to business freedom, the dynamic duo of Stan Simkins and Lonnie Sciambi.
Find more resources and learn more about their monthly, 90-minute VIRTUAL roundtables at
And feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] with any feedback, questions, recommendations, or ideas for future topics of conversation.
Connect With Lonnie Sciambi
Connect with Stan Simkins